This is a off topic post about an incredible journey that started a week ago for me… I need your help by giving a vote that matters a lot for my future.
I participated in a Startup Week-End in Grenoble, the city I live in here in France. The idea is simple: pitch an idea in 60s the Friday evening, create a team, work for the next 54 hours on the concept, give a 5min presentation to the jury.
It turns out the team I joined… won the 1st prize (I’m the second guy on the left):
This opens an incredible amount of opportunities. The first one is the Global Startup Battle: a competition between all the winners of the Startup Week-End of the last 3 weeks across the globe !
I need YOUR help, by spending 1min to vote for the concept. To do so:
– Follow this link:
– Click on +1 for ReStory and fill the blanks, wait for an email (even in your junk box)
– Click on the link in the email
– Click on the again on and vote for us
Our concept is simple
– We love our memories, we love to remember great moments.
– We try to keep everything in too many places
– We forget where and what are our best memories.
We want to change this. We want to build a simple web application so that you can collect, visualize, search and collect your memories. Here is the 60s presentation:
Feel free to visit our website at for more information 🙂
And do not forget to vote for us !
Thanks !
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