I’m starting a new series of article I’m calling “WPF internals” where I’ll be reviewing how things works <inside> WPF. I haven’t the entire content yet, but here is a summary of what I’m planning to do:
- Part 1 of N: what are the core WPF classes ?
- Part 2 of N: how the WPF controls are organised ?
- Part 3 of N: how ZIndex works ?
- Part 4 of N: how InputGestures works ?
- Part 5 of N: how databinding with DataContext works ?
- Part 6 of N: how databinding with an ItemsControl works ?
- Part 7 of N: what is the difference between a ContentControl and a ContentPresenter ?
I setup a new page in the header so that links are easy to access.
All the information that I’m going to give here is based on my PERSONAL understanding using tools like Reflector and VS Class Diagram Designer that help me figure out how things fit together. I’m neither a Microsoft WPF Architect nor a Program Manager on the .Net framework !
Please let me know if you’re interested in special topics, I’ll do my best to try to include them in the series. Please also feel free to leave comments on the articles so that if I’m misunderstanding something I can fix it.
I hope to post the first article this week (before October, 16th)